Waterbury Car Accident Lawyer

Waterbury Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are common enough occurrences in the state of Connecticut. Many individuals are injured and even lose their lives in these accidents every year. If you are involved in a car accident, you are likely feeling uncertain, and the legal support and guidance of a Waterbury car accident lawyer can prove to be essential to the outcome of your personal injury claim.

Handling the aftermath of a car accident can be an overwhelming experience. You are likely left shaken, not to mention physically injured. It can be frightening to accrue mounting medical bills, and your wages may have stopped due to your inability to work. This can place a terrible burden on you and your loved ones that you do not deserve. However, you are not alone. The compassionate Waterbury personal injury lawyers at Jacobs & Jacobs are here to help.

Common Kinds of Car Accidents in Waterbury, Connecticut

Jacobs & Jacobs Personal Injury Attorneys

There are several kinds of car accidents that are seen in Waterbury, Connecticut every year. These accidents can range in severity and can result in situations where all parties involved can walk away with minimal injuries or catastrophic scenarios where individuals are left with permanent damage and even death. At Jacobs & Jacobs, our personal injury attorneys have assisted clients following a wide range of types of car accidents.

The most common kinds of car accidents seen in the area of Waterbury, Connecticut, include the following:

  • Rollover Crashes: These kinds of accidents occur when a vehicle rolls or flips over on its side or roof, typically as a result of a collision or traveling at high speeds. The vehicles most prone to these kinds of accidents are vehicles with higher centers of gravity, such as SUVs or large trucks or vans. And these kinds of accidents are handled by truck accident lawyers in Waterbury, CT.
  • Head-on Collisions: These accidents occur when two vehicles coming toward each other collide. These tend to result in the most catastrophic injuries and even death and usually occur when one vehicle drifts into the lane of oncoming traffic.
  • Rear-End Collisions: These accidents happen when the front end of one vehicle collides with the rear end of another. These typically happen at intersections and are usually the result of the rear-ending driver’s inattention or excessive speed.
  • Single Vehicle Accidents: Accidents that involve only one vehicle usually happen as the result of drivers being forced off the roads by another driver’s recklessness or negligence, a driver attempting to avoid a collision, swerving to avoid an animal on the road, defective vehicle parts, or issues with road conditions or maintenance.
  • Multiple Car Pile-Ups: These can occur when three or more vehicles are involved in an accident. These are usually the result of a single collision, with following traffic unable to stop or avoid the initial collision.
  • Side-Impact Accidents: Otherwise known as T-bone accidents, these kinds of accidents usually happen at intersections where the front of one vehicle crashes into the side of a vehicle, making that T shape.
  • Side Swipe Accidents: These kinds of accidents occur when the side of one vehicle makes impact with the side of another, both traveling in the same direction. This typically happens as a result of switching lanes, avoiding debris in the road, or drifting.

If you have suffered any of these typical kinds of car accidents, it is time that you contact a car accident lawyer. At Jacobs & Jacobs, our seasoned legal team can assist you in building a solid claim against the at-fault parties once those parties have been determined.

Jacobs & Jacobs: Protecting Your Rights Following a Car Accident

For over 100 years, the law firm of Jacobs & Jacobs has stood strong, representing countless clients in their personal injury claims for compensation. We have seen it all, from dog bites to medical malpractice claims to car accident injury cases. We are here to help you from the moment you walk into our office to the moment you walk out with your settlement. We hope to do everything in our power to secure the most desirable personal injury claim outcome for you.

When you hire an attorney from Jacobs & Jacobs, you can expect our team to take the following action in your case:

  • Investigate the cause of your accident and who might be held liable for the damage that ensued
  • Speak to eyewitnesses and car accident experts who can assist in building your case with solid evidence
  • Collect other forms of evidence, such as surveillance footage or photos from the scene of the accident
  • Answer all your legal questions and guide you through the complicated claims process
  • Negotiate with the at-fault party, their legal team, and their insurance company to reach a desirable settlement amount that can cover your losses
  • Bring your claim to court should a settlement not be reached through negotiation

At Jacobs & Jacobs, you aren’t just another client. You are an individual who has suffered harm, and we believe the liable parties should be held accountable so that you may receive both the compensation you are due and the justice you deserve for the injuries you have sustained. We can do everything in our power to ensure both these statements ring true for you and your personal injury case.

best waterbury car accident lawyer

Common Causes of Car Accidents in CT

Car accidents are some of the most preventable causes of injuries in the state. One simple choice can lead to devastating consequences. Most often, it is human error which is behind a car accident and the injuries which occur as a result. All drivers have the duty to keep their hands on the wheel and their attention on the road. When this duty is breached, either through recklessness, negligence, or wrongful intention, what follows can be life-altering.

The most common causes of car accidents in Waterbury, Connecticut, can include the following:

  • Distracted driving, such as texting while driving, eating, drinking, using the temperature controls, fiddling with the radio, or interacting with a passenger
  • Reckless driving, such as speeding or drag-racing
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Violating traffic laws
  • Ignoring or missing traffic signals or posted signage
  • Making unsafe lane changes
  • Making illegal turns
  • Driving a car that is suffering from malfunctioning car parts
  • Driving on dangerous roads, either due to weather conditions or from poorly maintained roads such as pavement with potholes or large cracks
  • Inexperienced drivers

Whatever the cause of your Waterbury car accident, the attorneys at Jacobs & Jacobs can assist you with filing your claim for compensation. With our experience and knowledge, we can determine the cause of your auto accident, name the liable party, and work to hold this party accountable for their negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongdoing on our state roadways.

Injuries Seen in Waterbury Car Accidents

There are several types of injuries that can occur as a result of a car accident in Waterbury, Connecticut. Each of these injuries can vary in severity and can even lead to the death of the victim. At Jacobs & Jacobs, we regularly help clients who have faced a wide range of injuries in a car accident. The most common injuries we see in our clients include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions
  • Paralysis
  • Broken bones
  • Severe burns
  • Road rash
  • Severe strains or sprains
  • Dislocated bones
  • Shoulder, back, neck, or head injuries
  • Skull fractures or other open wounds
  • Amputations
  • Crush injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement

Any of these injuries can lead the victim to face mounting medical bills and even complications, which can lead to a claim for wrongful death. If you or a loved one has suffered any of these injuries in a Waterbury car accident, there is no time to lose in contacting a personal injury attorney from Jacobs & Jacobs.

Compensation Available in a Car Accident Claim

When you suffer an injury in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or even their intentional wrongdoing, you have the right as a resident of Connecticut and as a citizen of the United States, to file a claim for compensation to recover the damages you have suffered due to the behavior of the at-fault party. These damages might include the following:

  • Medical costs, including those for transportation, hospital stays, doctor visits, medications, medical devices or equipment, and any surgeries or other tests and procedures
  • Any future anticipated medical costs, such as those for rehabilitation or physical therapy
  • Lost wages due to the inability to work because of the injury
  • The loss of a future ability to earn if you become temporarily or permanently disabled
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of the enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • In rare cases, punitive damages
  • Wrongful death damages, in which the spouse, children, or other dependents of the deceased individual can file a claim for compensation to cover all burial costs or funeral expenses

With the legal assistance of an attorney from Jacobs & Jacobs, you can rest assured that the liable party will be determined and that we can do everything we are capable of to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

What to Do Following a Waterbury Car Accident

If you have had a car accident, you are likely feeling afraid and uncertain about what steps should be taken next. If you are physically capable of doing so, there are several actions you can take to provide solid evidence for a claim and to ensure your safety. These steps include the following:

  • Move yourself to a place of safety and contact the police and emergency services
  • Get the medical attention you need and obtain a copy of the police report
  • Exchange contact information with the other involved parties and any eyewitnesses; however, under no circumstances should you discuss or admit to fault
  • Take photographs or videos of your injuries, the property damage to your vehicle, and the scene of the accident, including any posted signage or poor road conditions
  • Consult with an attorney who can assist you through the legal claims process

What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident in CT?

In the state of Connecticut, it can be difficult to offer a number as to how much the average settlement for a car accident might be. This is because there are several factors that play into these claims and their value. These factors include the severity of the injuries or property damage which occurred as a result of the accident and the pain and suffering of the victim.

What Evidence Can Be Used in a Car Accident Claim?

There are several forms of evidence that can be used in a car accident claim in Waterbury, Connecticut. These forms of evidence include any photographs or video recordings from the scene of the accident that show the extent of injuries, the property damage, and the positioning of the vehicles, any medical records documenting your injuries, and the police report.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Waterbury Car Accident Claims?

In the state of Connecticut, all personal injury claims have a certain timeline for which an individual can file them. Once this time limit is up, an individual will lose out on their chances for compensation. Known as the statute of limitations, in Connecticut, this timeline stands at two years following the accident.

What Parties Can Be Held Liable for a Car Accident?

There are several parties that can be held liable for a car accident and the resulting damage you suffer based on the exact nature and cause of the accident. These parties can include the other drivers involved in the accident, the local government bodies or municipalities responsible for road maintenance, or the producer or designer of your car’s components.

Speak with a Compassionate Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you or someone you love has been injured or even suffered a fatality due to a car accident in Waterbury, CT, it is time to consult with a personal injury lawyer from Jacobs & Jacobs. Contact our offices today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can work to secure you the settlement that you deserve.

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