New Haven Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

New Haven Distracted Driving Accident Attorney

Today, drivers can be distracted in so many different ways. With drivers talking on their phones, sending texts and emails, and eating their meals behind the wheel, innocent drivers and passengers are at grave risk for catastrophic injuries.

The attorneys at Jacobs & Jacobs have extensive experience handling distracted driving accident cases. We have the skills and resources to help you obtain the maximum compensation you deserve for damages such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Call us at (203) 777-2300 to discuss your accident caused by a distracted driver.

best new haven distracted driving accident lawyer

Why Hire a Distracted Driving Car Accident Lawyer in New Haven?

A distracted driver accident can be difficult to handle on your own – especially if you’re dealing with painful and debilitating injuries. An attorney can make the legal process easier for you and your family, allowing you to focus on what matters most while a trained professional fights for justice on your behalf. Your attorney will know exactly how to navigate the legal side of your case, from negotiating with a car insurance company to collecting evidence of fault against the distracted driver.

What Is a Distracted Driver?

Distracted driving means that a driver is focusing his or her attention on something other than the driving task. There are three types of distractions: visual, manual and cognitive. Texting uses all three, making it the most dangerous type of driver distraction. Driving while distracted – whether it involves cell phones and other electronic devices, interacting with people, or performing life’s daily tasks while behind the wheel – can result in accidents. A distracted driver is more likely to:

  • Fail to signal or yield
  • Fail to stop at a stop sign
  • Fail to stop at a stoplight
  • Drive off the road
  • Drive too fast for conditions
  • Fail to see a crossing pedestrian
  • Fail to see a stopped vehicle
  • Veer across highway medians
  • Drive the wrong way on a one-way street
  • Drive the wrong way on an exit or entrance ramp

Whatever the cause of your distracted driving accident, our lawyers will conduct a thorough investigation to determine who is at fault. If we find evidence of driver distraction, we can help you go up against the at-fault driver. We will pursue the maximum compensation available through insurance policies and ensure you have the resources to meet your ongoing needs.

What Are the Most Common Types of Driver Distractions?

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents in Connecticut and throughout the country. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving took 3,142 lives in 2019 alone. Common ways in which a motor vehicle driver may be distracted include:

  • Texting and driving
  • Responding to messages or emails
  • Watching videos
  • Taking pictures
  • Talking on the phone
  • Talking to passengers
  • Dealing with children or pets
  • Fiddling with the GPS or radio
  • Reading a map
  • Eating or drinking
  • Personal grooming
  • Looking at billboards
  • Rubbernecking a car accident
  • Daydreaming or engaging in other mental distractions

Driver distractions can exist both inside and outside of a motor vehicle. It is a driver’s responsibility to avoid distractions and give 100 percent of his or her attention to the road and the driving task. Anything less than a driver’s full attention increases the risk of a serious car accident.

What Are Connecticut’s Texting and Driving Laws?

Looking down at or manually using a cell phone is a dangerous and common type of distracted driving. The drivers who are the most likely to text and drive are those ages 16 to 24 years old. However, any driver may be guilty of texting while driving. Texting and driving – and other activities on a handheld mobile device – is illegal for all drivers in Connecticut. If a driver is under the age of 18, he or she cannot use a handheld cell phone in any capacity, including to make a phone call, unless it is an emergency. The penalty is a $150 to $500 fine depending on the driver’s number of prior violations.

Can a Distracted Driver Be Held Liable for a Related Car Accident?

Yes. Connecticut is a fault state, meaning the driver who is at fault for an accident pays for property damage, medical bills and other related expenses. If an investigation places fault with one driver for distracted driving, his or her auto insurance company will pay for victims’ losses. All drivers in Connecticut must carry at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in bodily injury liability coverage and $25,000 in property damage insurance.

In a fault state, an injured victim will have to prove the other driver is responsible for the crash to be eligible for insurance coverage. If you can, collect evidence of the other driver’s distraction while still at the scene of the crash, such as eyewitness statements or photographs of the inside of the other driver’s cab. Then, work with an attorney to collect other forms of evidence, such as the driver’s cell phone records.

After an accident involving a distracted driver, contact the other driver’s insurance company to report the wreck and initiate a claim. Cooperate with the investigative process but protect your rights along the way. Keep in mind that the other driver’s insurance company will want to minimize, not maximize, your financial recovery. Rather than giving the insurance company a recorded statement, admitting fault or accepting an early settlement, protect yourself by hiring a Milford personal injury attorney to handle the insurance process for you.

Contact Our New Haven Distracted Driving Accident Lawyers Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a texting accident or another kind of distracted driving accident, please contact a car accident attorney in New Haven from Jacobs & Jacobs online or by telephone at (203) 777-2300. We want to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.

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